Six Minute Walk Test (6MWT) Result Record

Patient Name: John Doe

Patient ID: 12345

Date of Test: July 21, 2024

Conducting Professional: Dr. Jane Smith

Measure Pre-Test Post-Test Change
Heart Rate (bpm) 72 98 +26
Blood Pressure (mmHg) 120/80 135/85 +15/+5
Oxygen Saturation (%) 98 96 -2
Borg Dyspnea Score (0-10) 0 3 +3
Borg Fatigue Score (0-10) 0 4 +4
Distance Walked Predicted Distance Percent of Predicted
450 meters 500 meters 90%

Notes: Patient reported mild shortness of breath at 4 minutes but was able to complete the test. Consider follow-up assessment in 3 months.