Saving new recipes to virtual boards is so much fun, but making them can be stressful. You’re already hungry and likely pressed for time, but cooking doesn’t have to feel that way. How is that possible? It’s all in the power of mindfulness.
Once your meal is in progress, remind yourself to pause and inhale the aroma while continuing through each step of the cooking process.
Mindful techniques will revolutionize your kitchen routine and let you experience more peace of mind in the kitchen.
Here’s how to make it happen.
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the practice of remaining present and minimizing stress by engaging your senses. Research shows that implementing it regularly reduces anxiety and depression symptoms, ultimately improving your overall well-being.
All you have to do is understand your anxiety triggers, practice using your senses and manage your environment to make it more peaceful.
Can cooking be a mindful activity?
Practicing mindfulness is possible anywhere. You can try it while cooking to see if you enjoy your meal preparations more. While focusing on your food-centric tasks, you’ll use your senses to experience every moment with intention.
If your environment doesn’t trigger your stress, you’ll turn breakfast, lunch and dinner into the most relaxing moments of your day.
How to try mindful cooking with each meal
Use these steps to implement mindful cooking whenever you need to make your next meal. You’ll feel more present throughout each step, making your time in the kitchen more fulfilling.
Even a stressful day won’t get in the way of your peaceful cooking routine.
Get rid of stressful clutter
Feeling stuck in a messy space puts many people on edge. The clutter represents another thing to take care of when you finish your already extensive to-do list.
Clean your kitchen before you need to cook again. You may feel more positive before you start cooking if your counters are clear, your trash can has a fresh bag and your sink is empty of dirty dishes.
Make your kitchen more organized
“Organize or be traumatized.”
Everyone’s been in the middle of a recipe and frantically searched every cabinet in the kitchen for something they need to finish their meal. This panic-inducing experience makes it challenging to feel settled during mindfulness efforts.
After cleaning your kitchen, organize whatever hidden messes are in your drawers or cabinets. If you’re making king crab legs, you’ll need to cook them on aluminum foil to ensure they’re crispy all the way around. Knowing where you keep your foil will make preparing your dinner much more effortless.
You’ll never frantically search for supplies or ingredients if you know where everything is. This is another way to prevent anxiety so you can focus on enjoying every moment while you cook.
Purposefully enjoy every aroma
Once your meal is in progress, remind yourself to pause and inhale the aroma while continuing through each step of the cooking process.
The scent of bubbling cheese or braising pot roast might help pull you out of your racing thoughts. Close your eyes and see if you can pick out the ingredients you added just by their smell.
Scent is a great mindfulness tool, no matter where you are. You might be taking a nature walk and worrying about your workday, but the aroma of blooming geraniums pulls your attention back to what’s around you.
Take slow, deep breaths while smelling your meals to focus on the food in front of you instead of whatever distracting thoughts cross your mind.
Savor your taste testing samples
Your taste buds are here to help you have mindful cooking experiences. Use a spoon to sample your soups or sauces while they’re simmering. Ground yourself with a few deep breaths while exhaling on your food to cool it. Try it when it’s at a safe temperature.
What flavors cross your palate as you savor your sample? This is another chance to close your eyes and ask how each ingredient adds to your dining experience. If you appreciate this mindfulness tool, you can practice it as you enjoy each bite later.
While the flavors remind you of happy memories or relax your mind, the nutrients will ease your anxiety by soothing your nervous system.
Foods with fiber and omega-3 fatty acids help manage anxiety disorders when consumed long term. Being mindful while eating healthier food will improve your mood while your nervous system relaxes.
Block potential distractions
Focusing is the core of any mindfulness approach. Distractions will only ruin your focus. Reduce any possibility of interference from your environment when implementing this practice.
Before cooking, turn off TVs or music in the background. You might need to silence your phone or put your work laptop away until you finish your meal.
Define your distractions by whatever grabs your attention and influences your mood negatively. You’ll make your environment more positive so focusing on your cooking experience is easier.
Try mindful cooking today
Anyone can try mindful cooking with tips like these. Reduce distractions, focus on your senses and follow your instincts.
Anything that promotes happiness and a grounded perspective will help you better appreciate your next meal.
Looking for more emotional and mental illness info and inspiration reading? Tap either of my links in the bio below or check out the Chipur titles.

Beth is the mental health editor at Body+Mind. She has five-plus years of experience writing about behavioral health, specifically mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. Beth also writes about the power of human design to reveal our full potential and purpose. You can find her on X @bodymindmag.
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