I have to admit that I’ve never watched an episode of South Park. However, this clip was sent to me by another Direct Primary Care (DPC) doctor, and I thought that it was well done and that it deserved to be shared! Although the medical focus of this video is obesity, I was intrigued by the other highlighted theme – the endless spool of red tape in healthcare. I would guess that most of you can identify with the frustration shown in this clip.
Insert a different medical problem and a different medicine, and this situation repeats itself daily in a primary care office. For instance, in May, I prescribed a diabetic medicine for a patient. The patient was unable to pick up the medicine due to the cost (about $1800), so I prescribed the other diabetic medicine in the same class. The cost was also above $1000 so the patient left the pharmacy empty handed. A few weeks later, I received a letter in the mail from the patient’s insurance company saying that their records indicated that the patient was not taking one of the diabetes medicines in that class, and that they recommended that I prescribe one of those medicines. I felt like I was in an episode of The Twilight Zone! I called the insurance company to give them a piece of my mind, and magically the price went down at the pharmacy.
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