Loneliness. Most of us have experienced this negative emotion at some point in our life. It increases a variety of health risks and costs the economy billions annually. Humans are social creatures, but simply being around others is not enough. We need connection and meaningful relationships. Unfortunately, loneliness is extremely common, some say at epidemic levels. One 2018 study out of UC San Diego found 76% of participants to be struggling with moderate-high levels of loneliness! (1, 2)
What Is Loneliness
Since loneliness can impact everyone differently, it can make it difficult to pinpoint. Loneliness does not mean being alone or lacking friends. Rather, it is a subjective distress resulting from a disconnect between the relationships one has with what they want or expect. It is a state of mind rather than a physical state of being. It can also be contagious. (3, 4)
Signs And Symptoms
Research has revealed some key characteristics indicating loneliness is a problem. The signs and symptoms indicating loneliness is a problem can include:
- Binge-watching television
- a weakened immune system
- addiction and self-medication
- increased cortisol levels
- brain inflammation
- long, hot baths
- depression
- compulsive materialism
- spending time with other lonely people (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
How To Beat Loneliness
Since loneliness is a state-of-mind, it can be controlled, managed, and alleviated. Some strategies to help address loneliness include:
- Accept your emotions and feelings for what they are. You must accept that you have needs before you can work to meet them.
- Remind yourself that loneliness is not permanent and can be changed and overcome. It can feel monumental in the moment, but dwelling on that feeling can paralyze you.
- Make efforts to find a meaningful connection. Join a club or organization where you will find others who share similar interests, values, or hobbies. Intentionally connect with the friends you currently have more often.
- Resist the urge to isolate yourself. Feelings of loneliness can cause us to question our self-worth, which can cause us to retreat further into ourselves and exacerbate the problem.
- Practice self-care. This involves activities that promote peace, healing, and the release of negative emotions and stress. Practice meditation, yoga, or spend time in nature, for example.
- Keep a journal or diary. Putting your emotions to paper can have a therapeutic effect. It can also offer perspective when reviewing progress made over time.
- Support others in your life. Putting our focus on others’ feelings can help us see that our problems are not unique to us, and we can meet others’ needs while ours are also met.
- Engage in physical activity. Physical activity carries a host of health benefits, including the release of mood-boosting neurotransmitters, which can substantially improve our outlook.
- Do something creative. Taking a class or learning a new skill can help get your mind off your loneliness. It can also provide an outlet for pent up emotions that need expressing.
- Ask for help. Many people who struggle with loneliness battle mindsets that prevent them from asking for help when they need it. Ask for help from a trusted confidant or a qualified therapist to help you work through feelings.
This is not a permanent condition nor is it irreversible, and it is important to remember you are not alone. Loneliness is normal and most of us experience it at some point. Accepting it allows you to face it, resolve it, and move forward into a happier and more fulfilling life.
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