Fall allergies can be just as tough to manage as spring allergies. They come with their own set of allergens, such as ragweed and molds, and can last well into November and beyond, depending on the weather.
Learn more about ragweed allergies, common here in the Midwest, and how to combat them and find relief.
What Causes Fall Allergies?
In the fall season, ragweed is the leading cause of allergy cases. Ragweed will typically release pollen when nights are cool and days are warm, usually around August. This can last until October, affecting even those who usually react to spring plants.
Other plants that can cause fall allergies are tumbleweed, burning bush, lamb’s-quarter, pigweed, mugwort, cocklebur, Russian thistle and sagebrush.
Common Symptoms and How to Relieve Them
A person suffering from fall allergies will typically experience coughing, itchy eyes and nose, watery eyes, dark circles under the eyes, sneezing or a runny nose.
Various medications can assist you, including:
● Steroid Nasal Sprays: These can reduce inflammation in your nose
● Antihistamines: They help to stop sneezing, sniffling and itching
● Decongestants: These provide relief from stuffiness and can help dry up mucus in your nose
● Immunotherapy: This comes in the form of oral tablets/drops or allergy shots
Remember, while some allergy medications are available without a prescription, consulting your doctor is wise to ensure you choose the right one.
Visit with a Doctor
Fall allergies are just as much a nuisance as spring allergies. If you’re unsure of your condition, consulting a Center for Family Medicine doctor is an excellent place to start. Your doctor can assist in figuring out why your eyes are watery and itchy or why your nose keeps running. It may be allergies, a common cold or another condition. Contact us today to discuss your symptoms and find relief.
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