Updated: 12/05/2019
Gastritis is defined as irritation, erosion, and inflammation of the lining of the stomach, sometimes known as the gastric mucosa.[1] [2]. The symptoms from person to person are different. Some people have nausea and a feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen after eating. Some people have vomiting and heartburn. Meanwhile, other people have burning, loss of appetite, bloating, unexplained weight loss, dark stools and so on. But many people don’t have any symptoms. Complications of gastritis may include stomach ulcers, bleeding, and stomach tumors. The main causes of gastritis are vitamin B12 deficiency, spicy and acidic foods and drinks, infection of the stomach mucosa caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria, and taking too many anti-inflammatory drugs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or pain relievers. Stress and fungal infection are also factors causing gastritis. Less common causes are alcohol, cocaine, smoking, severe illness, radiation therapy, autoimmune problems, and Crohn”s disease. Do you suffer from gastritis and want to look for natural treatments instead of resorting to OTC medicines for this condition? Let’s try these time-tested natural home remedies for gastritis pain relief.
Top 15 Natural Home Remedies For Gastritis Pain Relief
1. Carom Seeds
Carom seeds are commonly used for digestive problems in Ayurvedic medicine as a household remedy[3]. They are known as a natural antacid. They will give relief to the mucous membranes in the stomach from hyperacidity and acidity[4]. Also, carom seeds can treat bloating, indigestion, and nausea caused by gastritis.
Method 1
- Place four teaspoons of carom seeds on two cups of water.
- Boil them until the water decreases by half.
- Strain it and drink half a cup of this liquid twice a day.
- Continue until all the symptoms have gone away.
Method 2: Carom Seeds, Black Salt, And Ginger
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- Take a teaspoon each of carom seeds, black salt, and dried ginger.
- Mix all the ingredients well together.
- Take a teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of warm water.
- Use this remedy three times per day.
- Continue until your situation is improved.
Method 2: Carom Seeds, Buttermilk And Black Salt
- Take a teaspoon of carom seed powder and a half teaspoon of black salt.
- Mix them with a glass of buttermilk.
- Drink this liquid twice a day.
- Repeat every day for quick relief.
2. Ginger
Ginger is one of the most useful home remedies for gastritis pain you should not miss. It contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce inflammation as well as treat the infection or alleviate symptoms such as gas, nausea, bloating, indigestion, and stomach pain[5] [6]. These properties may suppress the inflammation caused by Helicobacter pylori[7]. It also has been found to be helpful for fighting against various GI cancers including stomach cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, and cholangiocarcinoma[6].
Method 1:
- Add a teaspoon of chopped ginger root into a cup of hot water.
- Cover and let it steep for about 10 minutes.
- Strain the liquid and add some honey if you want.
- Slowly sip the tea.
- Drink it two or three times per day for a week.
If you don’t have time to make this tea, just chew a small piece of ginger root. Even taking ginger capsules also treats gastritis.
Note: Ginger can interfere with high blood pressure and blood-thinning medications.
Method 2: Ginger Juice With Honey
- Take a teaspoon of ginger juice and a teaspoon of honey.
- Mix them well.
- Take it twice a day before you have a meal.
- Take this remedy every day for a week. Your condition will improve.
3. Yogurt
Yogurt is a very useful addition to your diet, particularly when you have gastritis. It contains probiotics that protect your stomach lining. Probiotics are known to promote healing of gastric ulcers and help with the elimination of H. pylori, one of the main causes of gastritis[8] [9]. Plus, it can boost your immune system to fight the infection off more quickly.
- You just need to eat ½ a cup of yogurt every day. Choose plain yogurt to get the best results. Eat regularly for quick results.
- You can also make a smoothie by blending a banana with a cup of plain yogurt, and honey. Drink this smoothie 2 or 3 times per day. Use this remedy every day for best results.
4. Chamomile Tea With Honey
Chamomile tea is good for treating gastritis[10] [11]. It contains chamomile essential oil which can be beneficial for the digestive system. It soothes intestinal walls, eliminates gas, and provides relief from sudden pains. It also reduces stomach inflammation.
Follow these steps:
- Take one or two teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers.
- Add them to a cup of boiling water.
- Cover and steep for 5 or 10 minutes.
- Strain the liquid and add a little honey.
- Consume this tea several times per day as needed.
- Use this remedy for a week.
Note: Don’t boil this herb because this action will destroy its active compounds.
5. Peppermint
When talking about home remedies for gastritis, peppermint should be mentioned too. Thanks to its antibacterial, antispasmodic, soothing, and anti-inflammatory properties, peppermint may decrease inflammation of the stomach lining[12]. Additionally, it may reduce indigestion, heartburn, and nausea[13].
- You should take coated peppermint tablets. Take 1 tablet two or three times per day. It is best to consult a doctor before taking it.
- You can also chew peppermint leaves.
- Alternatively, add peppermint to your smoothie, soup, and salad.
6. Strawberries and Strawberry Leaves
According to one study, strawberries may reduce the harm that alcohol often causes to the mucous membranes in the stomach[14]. Additionally, they may heal gastritis thanks to their antioxidant properties[15].
Try the remedy below:
- Take a teaspoon of dried strawberry leaves.
- Add them to a cup of hot water.
- Let steep for 5 minutes.
- Strain and drink twice or three times per day.
- Keep using this remedy every day until all the symptoms of gastritis are gone
- You can also eat strawberries every day.
7. Holy Basil
Holy basil is also an effective home remedy for gastritis. It may be used to treat the symptoms of gastritis such as nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and stomach pain due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties[16]. These properties also help lower inflammation and combat infection caused by the H. pylori bacteria.
Method 1:
- Prepare a teaspoon of basil leaves.
- Add them to a cup of hot water.
- Let steep for 5 minutes.
- Strain the mixture.
- Enjoy this tea 3 times per day. You can also add a little honey to make it more delicious.
- Drink daily for a few weeks.
Method 2:
- Chew four or five basil leaves to get rid of the pain.
- Continue every day for a few weeks.
Method 3: Basil Juice And Ginger Juice
- Take a teaspoon of basil juice and a teaspoon of ginger juice.
- Mix these ingredients well together.
- Drink this solution two or three times per day.
- Repeat every day for a week.
8. Fennel Seeds
With their antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and stomachic inside, fennel seeds can help to relieve the symptoms of gastritis such as vomiting, heartburn, intestinal gas, bloating, and indigestion. Plus, they may help to relax the muscles which are in the gastrointestinal tract along with soothing the digestive system.
- Take a teaspoon of fennel seeds and add them to a cup of hot water.
- Cover and steep for about 10 minutes.
- After straining, add a little honey if you want.
- Drink this tea three times per day.
- Continue using this remedy for a week.
- Alternatively, chew fennel seeds after meals to relieve the symptoms.
9. Licorice
Licorice contains soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to relieve the symptoms of gastritis such as indigestion, burning in the stomach, or heartburn. Licorice and its root may help protect the inner lining of your stomach and stabilize stomach acids, thus decreasing the risk of ulcers due to gastritis[18] [19].
Method 1:
- Prepare a teaspoon of licorice powder.
- Add to a cup of hot water.
- Cover and allow it to steep for about ten minutes.
- Strain it and consume two or three times per day.
- Use this remedy for a week.
Method 2:
- Take licorice extract 3 times a day. But before taking, you should ask a doctor for his or her advice.
10. Potato Juice
Thanks to its healing and antacid properties, potato juice can relieve symptoms such as excess gas, bloating, and cramping. Potato juice is rich in alkaline salts[20]. that react with the excess acid in your stomach. Besides, it may help soothe inflammation of the stomach lining[21].
- Peel one or two potatoes and grate them.
- Put them into a strainer and press to extract the juice by using a spoon.
- Dilute half a cup of juice with a little warm water.
- Consume this mixture three times per day 30 minutes before meals.
- Continue following this treatment for one or two weeks.
11. Cumin Seeds
Cumin seeds are one of the best natural home remedies for gastritis. Cumin seeds are abundant in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents, which may help eliminate the symptoms of gastritis while also stimulating your recovery from the ailment[22].
- Crush some cumin seeds into a fine paste.
- Add a half teaspoon of crushed cumin seeds to a liter of water.
- Boil the cumin seeds with water for about 2 minutes.
- Filter the liquid and drink it as needed.
- Repeat every day for best results.
12. Cabbage Juice
Cabbage has the ulcer healing factor called vitamin U, which may heal the stomach lining and resolve gastritis within a couple of days[23] [24]. Apart from that, this juice possesses a cleansing effect on your stomach and intestines[25].
- Take some cabbage leaves and blend them with a half cup of water.
- Drink it on an empty stomach.
- Take this remedy once or twice per day until symptoms resolve.
13. Parsley
Parsley is loaded with vitamin K1 and potassium, which may reduce the secretion of excess acids in the stomach and calm the lining of your intestines and stomach, thus decreasing gastritis symptoms[26] [27]. It also helps reduce pain and inflammation in the stomach thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties[28].
- Prepare 3 or 4 teaspoons of chopped parsley leaves.
- Pour a glass of boiling water over it.
- Let it steep for 15 minutes.
- Drink this tea slowly.
- Take this remedy 2 or 3 times per day until all symptoms are gone.
14. Honey
Honey is a good remedy for many health problems, including gastritis. Honey has been shown to contain antibacterial properties, which may keep H. pylori in check[29].
When using honey to treat gastritis, you can follow these steps:
- Take 2 tablespoons of honey.
- Add to a cup of warm water.
- Consume this liquid once a day when your stomach is empty.
Using this remedy will help you reduce the acidity of the wall of the stomach and heal it naturally.
15. Olive Oil And Milk
Olive oil is one of the best and the most effective home remedies for gastritis. It can decrease the irritation in the stomach wall. The oil may prevent and combat H. pylori infections that cause gastritis and peptic ulcer disease[30] [31]. The antioxidant compounds found in it are effective against a few strains of H. pylori bacteria that infect the stomach lining.
Method 1:
- Take a tablespoon of olive oil.
- Add a cup of hot milk to it.
- Drink this mixture once a day on an empty stomach.
- Repeat this remedy daily for quick results.
Additional Tips
Besides the above home remedies for gastritis pain, you can follow some tips below to get rid of this problem:
- Reduce red peppers, red meat, coffee, sweets, sour food, pickles, and dairy products from your diet.
- Eat more fruit; for example, grapefruit, apples, and so on.
- Have dinner at least 2 hours before going to bed.
- Avoid drinking water with your meals but drink plenty of water each day.
- Eat more food or take supplements that contain vitamins C, E, and B12.
- Eat slowly and chew thoroughly.
- Eat smaller meals more often instead of three big meals per day.
- Give up smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Avoid stress.
- Practise meditation or yoga
I hHope that this article can help you find out the best and the most suitable home remedies to get rid of your gastritis easily and quickly at home. If you have any questions, or if you know other at home remedies for gastritis, please writeleave them below.
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